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The Inter-Society
Color Council will hold its 2009 Annual Meeting in Rochester NY
at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) from Sunday, June 7 and 8,
2009. RIT and the Rochester area bring a rich history of imaging, photography,
graphic arts and printing, and of course the science and art of color.
The Sunday program will be filled with the technical
talks from the three ISCC interest groups. A
student poster exhibit will follow the technical sessions Sunday afternoon.
Monday will be a special symposium hosted by the Munsell Color Science Laboratory
celebrating their 25th anniversary.
Who Should Attend
This meeting is open to everyone with an interest in promoting
the interchange of ideas on the subject of color and appearance. This conference is design
to promote communications between technically oriented specialists in color and creative workers
in art, design, and education, so as to facilitate more effective use of color.
Hotel Information
We have reserved a block of rooms at a special rate
at the
Radisson Hotel (585-475-1910)
close to the RIT campus. For online registration, use the promotional code "0609inters" to
get the $89 rate. In person simply mention the Inter-Society Color Council when
you make your reservations. A taxi from the Rochester airport will cost about
$20; the hotel offers a free shuttle.
The Radisson is about a 20 minute walk to the conference facility. There will be shuttle busses to the sessions if you prefer to ride.
More Information
The registration form is available. There are separate registrations for the annual meeting and the MCSL anniverdsary. Register for both and receive a discount.
Immediately following the ISCC and MCSL meetings, the Munsell Color Science laboratory will hold
is four-day annual summer short course, Essentials of Color Science. More information is available here.
Details will be provided here as plans are finalized.
Please save the date and check back here, or watch your ISCC News for all
the information. Not a member of ISCC? Join
today for the earliest access to the information as well as a discount
on conference registration!
Contact Dave Wyble for questions, concerns, or if you want to help.